Backporting DFly patches to FreeBSD?

Garance A Drosihn drosih at
Thu Feb 17 19:41:38 PST 2005

At 6:07 PM -0800 2/17/05, walt wrote:
DFly has an important improvement to /boot/loader which really
should be applied to the FreeBSD source tree.  I have no
credibility with the FBSD project, but some of you folks do.
Is there someone here who could lobby the FBSD developers to
apply our patch to their sources?
Well, there are some freebsd committers on this list, and at least
part of the reason we are here is take notice of good ideas that
we should be stealing...   :-)
But it depends on what change you're interested in.  Some of the
changes are just hard to "side-port" into FreeBSD, just because
so much has changed between FreeBSD 4.x and FreeBSD 5.x and 6.x.
There are several things that Matt has done that I would very much
like to get into FreeBSD, but I'm already busy due to various
FreeBSD-related side-projects of my own.  The amount of free time
that I have will not increase due to your lobbying, so "lobbying"
per se simply annoys me.  If you want to lobby people, then go into
politics.  I am quite interested in things in Dragonfly (and OpenBSD,
and NetBSD, and Darwin...), but I still just work on what I want to
work on, not what someone else tells that that I "should" work on...
Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   gad at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Senior Systems Programmer           or  gad at xxxxxxxxxxx
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  drosih at xxxxxxx

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