Cannot compile Perl-5.8.6

walt wa1ter at
Wed Feb 16 16:58:46 PST 2005

On Tue, 15 Feb 2005, Christopher Scofield wrote:

> I've just installed the system and did a buildworld and new kernel with the
> latest CVS (as of yesterday.)

I can't make any sense of the error messages (which may be my own ignorance)
but it makes me think of some problem with the toolchain.

So:  which cvsup server/mirror did you use?  Did you do a 'make upgrade'
after the buildworld and, BTW, did you do an installworld after the
buildworld?  Do you have anything in your /etc/make.conf?  Which gcc
are you using?  If you repeat the update of your source tree do you
get anything new -- and do the updates seem reasonable when compared
to the recent postings in dragonfly.commits?

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