Issue with swap space

Guillermo Garcia Rojas garciarojas at
Fri Feb 4 10:04:27 PST 2005

This is happening almost dayly: I got this today while using Firefox and
xmms on GNOME 2.8.2 and 1.1-CURRENT

[diagnostic] cache_lock: blocked on 0xcc14b590 "dsp0.0"
[diagnostic] cache_lock: blocked on 0xcc14b590 "dsp0.0"
[diagnostic] cache_lock: blocked on 0xcc14b590 "dsp0.0"
[diagnostic] cache_lock: blocked on 0xcc14b590 "dsp0.0"
[diagnostic] cache_lock: unblocked dsp0.0
[diagnostic] cache_lock: unblocked dsp0.0
[diagnostic] cache_lock: unblocked dsp0.0
[diagnostic] cache_lock: unblocked dsp0.0
swap_pager: out of swap space
swap_pager_getswapspace: failed
Feb  4 11:56:56 lili kernel: pid 949 (firefox-bin), uid 1000, was killed: out of
 swap space

Firefox begins to slow and obviously crashes.



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