Warning about installing DragonFly and FreeBSD to same disk

Freddie Cash fcash-ml at sd73.bc.ca
Thu Aug 25 13:01:06 PDT 2005

On August 25, 2005 12:45 pm, Rob Andrews wrote:
> [25-Aug-2005 17:59.00 (BST) / Chris Pressey]
>  > I haven't tested any workarounds yet, but I suspect that marking
>  > the DragonFly partition with some other partition id (like MS-DOS)
>  > before installing, and marking it back after installing, would be
>  > enough to trick FreeBSD's installer into ignoring it.

> grub has an option "parttype" that can change the partition type
> before proceeding with the boot process. I used it to change
> freebsd's partition type back to 0 and dragonfly's to 165 before
> booting dragonfly, and vice versa for freebsd. Popping this into the
> menu file will do the grunt for you at boot time.

> If you install the loader to the FreeBSD and DragonFly partition boot
> sectors and skip the MBR loader installation you can install grub and
> have it chain load the boot loader from the boot sector.

> Be warned, grub may not support the ufs filesystem you choose to
> install it upon. If grub can't read the stage2 files from your
> filesystem, keep an ext2 or FAT filesystem somewhere.

GRUB 0.9.5 and above supports UFS1 and UFS2.  And you don't need to use  
chainloader to load the BSD loader.  You just set the kernel option in 
GRUB to /boot/loader.

I used GRUB 0.9.5 to tripleboot FreeBSD 4.8-4.11 and 5.2.1-6.0B2, and 
Windows XP (using chainloader and makeactive for XP) without issues.

Haven't tried with DragonFlyBSD, but it should work.
Freddie Cash, CCNT CCLP        Helpdesk / Network Support Tech.
School District 73             (250) 377-HELP [377-4357]
fcash-ml at xxxxxxxxxx

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