increase number of inodes?

Matthew Dillon dillon at
Fri Aug 19 10:18:00 PDT 2005

:Don't know whether I should report this here, or in Bugs, but here it goes.
:I installed the latest ISO a few days ago. Because I wanted to help  
:testing pkgsrc, I cvs-upped the pkg-src tree. I think after about 90%, the  
:filesystem ran out of inodes.
:I know there is no 'non destructive' way of doing this, so maybe it's an  
:idea to increase the number of inodes by default on new installations.
:( It was a small partition (guess it was about 500/600 MB), but maybe  
:other people run into the same problems. )
:Good idea/Bad idea?
:Wiger van Houten
:Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

    Well, the defaults are pretty good as they stand but they are not
    designed for squeezing large numbers of files onto fairly small
    partitions.  If you wanted to make newfs smarter you could have it
    drop back to 1K/8K for filesystems less then, say, 2GB, or have it
    mess with the default bytes-per-inode parameter based on the size
    of the partition, but it would be a poor heuristic at best.

					Matthew Dillon 
					<dillon at xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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