bootloader reboots

Matthew Dillon dillon at
Sat Oct 23 10:48:08 PDT 2004

:I just tried to swap the disks around. The default boot loader F1 BSD 
:thing just beeped at me, so I swapped back and installed GAG. This 
:managed to get a little further. I couldn't really see what was written 
:as it rebooted too quick, but it didn't get as far as the ASCII menu. It 
:looked like it might have been the first two lines getting up to that 
:menu, whatever they say.
:What would be the possible causes of this? Is it correctable somehow?

    A beep usually means that boot0 cannot find a valid secondary boot
    sector in the slice.  This is often due to CHS vs LBA confusion.  I
    usually tell the BIOS to use LBA mode and use boot0cfg (when using 
    the DragonFly boot0) to turn on packet mode.

					Matthew Dillon 
					<dillon at xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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