weird link problem with the postfix install?

Mark Cullen mark.cullen at
Fri Oct 22 15:55:09 PDT 2004

Matthew Dillon wrote:
:Woah, as far as I am aware I am using Stable. My brain's not been so 
:good the past few days mind, as you know.
:*default release=cvs tag=DragonFly_Stable
:uname does say 1.1-CURRENT still though...
:As it goes though, I ran make install again and it got past newaliases 
:and did the same thing on the next file in the list. Ran it again and it 
:seems to have installed. It seems to be working alright, it managed to 
:send a mail off to my email account anyway *shrugs*
    Yah, it turned out to be a bug in a change made to 'cp' earlier this
    month, and it wound up in Stable.

    I just committed a fix and slipped the Stable tag for it.

    Yah, uname says CURRENT.  Fixing that will require a bit of work to pull
    the name out of the tag rather then have to commit the name as part of
    the tag.
					Matthew Dillon 
					<dillon at xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
That was quick!

Glad it wasn't me doing something wrong and getting the 'HEAD' stuff by 
accident :) I'll head off and try finish setting this box up. Can't 
actually think of much else I need to do, but I know if I go ahead and 
swap them now it'll blow up in my face :)

Worst case.. If I manage it and it's panicing with DF too, will any back 
trace stuff I might be able to get be of any use to anyone? I know you 
(Matt) is busy doing all sorts of funky stuff so I don't expect you to 
be able to look into it that much. I found the unstripped debug kernel 
and I am running that and I have setup the whole dump thing. Do I need 
to do anything else?


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