Logitech USB Keyboard/Mouse problems and fix

Jiawei Ye leafy at nospam.com.tw
Sun Oct 10 17:57:38 PDT 2004

I filed a bug report against FreeBSD 4.7 for as long as I could remember. It 
happened with the Logitech receiver that works for both USB mouse and 
keyboard. If the receiver uses ps/2 for keyboard and usb for mouse, 
everything would be fine.

Jiawei Ye

"Matthew Dillon" <dillon at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> ¼¶¼g©ó¶l¥ó·s»D:200410082110.i98LArsW065710 at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> :I completely forgot that there were two patches. I applied the second 
> one,
> :of course. Is there a chance that somone can figure out why the keyboard
> :repeates characters sometimes? I would love to investigate but I fear I 
> do
> :not know enough to even start doing it myself.
> :
> :Thanks,
> :Roland
>    I'll commit the second one and slip the stable tag for it.
>    This is the first bug report I've heard of repeating keys on a USB
>    keyboard.  It's not really enough information to go on but keep your
>    eyes open, you might find another PR with a patch :-).
> -Matt
> Matthew Dillon
> <dillon at xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 

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