Making a bootable multi-OS DVD with bootmanager

Oliver Fromme olli at
Mon Nov 15 01:44:23 PST 2004


I'm still working on that bootable DVD.  I stumbled across
a problem which doesn't seem to be easy to solve.

Small reminder:

Oliver Fromme <olli at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
 > I'm currently in the process of creating the master image
 > for a DVD-ROM (DVD9) that will contain FreeBSD 5.3-Release.
 > As a special bonus I would like to include a current stable
 > snapshot of DragonFly, too.

It appears that I cannot put FreeBSD 5 and DragonFly on the
same DVD (or CD) and make them both bootable.  The problem
is that both use a similar -- but not identical -- infra-
structure below the /boot directory.  It doesn't seem to be
possible to use the same /boot/loader for both operating
systems, and it doesn't seem to be (easily) possible to
completely separate the boot process of either system into
a directory other than /boot.

Does someonw happen to have a clever idea how to solve that
problem?  (My deadline is next weekend, so there is no time
for risky experiments that require extensive testing.)

Otherwise I'll just make only the FreeBSD part of the DVD
bootable, and put the DragonFly ISO on it so people can
make themselves a DF CD-R if they wish to give it a try.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards

PS:  Which would be the most appropriate ISO to put on the
DVD?  The latest stable one is dfly-20041107-stable.iso.gz;
so should I take that one?

Oliver Fromme, Konrad-Celtis-Str. 72, 81369 Munich, Germany

``All that we see or seem is just a dream within a dream.''
(E. A. Poe)

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