I think there's an error in the webpage

Jeremy Messenger mezz7 at cox.net
Thu Jul 17 12:08:33 PDT 2003

On Thu, 17 Jul 2003 11:43:28 -0700 (PDT), Matthew Dillon 
<dillon at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I tried using a news://... URL during my own testing but Mozilla insisted
on going to a central news site rather then my nntp server.  Maybe I
didn't specify the URL right, I dnuno.  But nntp:// seemed to do the
right thing.
I just tested with news:// and it still works great on Opera7's M2 client. 
Either news:// and nntp:// work fine, so must be depend on the clients.

News support is typically not comprehensive across all browsers.  I don't
think IE supports it any more, for example.  At some point this week,
today or tomorrow, I'll have a web access working for the groups so 
lurkers don't have to mess around with newsgroups or mailing lists.
Do you have the mailing list archive? I just want to read Terry and your 
discuss in the kernel that seem didn't send to newsgroups. :-)

					Matthew Dillon 					<dillon at xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
:On Thu, 17 Jul 2003 11:54:36 -0600, Sujan Gautam 
<sujangATmyrealboxDOTcom> :wrote:
:> When I click nntp://nntp.dragonflybsd.org/ on the webpage , outlook :> 
:> gives errors but if I change it to news://nntp.dragonflybsd.org/,  It 
:> works
:> fine. Maybe this is just an outlook express problem but anyway, just 
:> wanted
:> to let you know.
:No problem with here, I am using Opera7's M2 client. I am still figuring 
:how I can pull the old messages again, because I accident deleted them.
:> -Sujan Gautam
:-- :Using M2, Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: 

bsdforums.org 's moderator, mezz.

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