[DragonFlyBSD - Submit #3149] Enable installer over serial console

bugtracker-admin at leaf.dragonflybsd.org bugtracker-admin at leaf.dragonflybsd.org
Sat Oct 20 05:49:33 PDT 2018

Issue #3149 has been updated by Jackkevin.

The sequential association is being made at 115200 baud 8n1, on first sequential port, called/dev/ttyS0 in linux (9600 8n1 is the default fall back if your equipment does not bolster 115200 baud), You are happy with altering basic framework records, for example,/and so forth/inittab,/boot/grub/menu.lst. You are utilizing a sequential (invalid modem) link. It is additionally conceivable to utilize a USB to Serial connector, however the tty* must be changed to mirror your equipment.


Submit #3149: Enable installer over serial console

* Author: ddegroot
* Status: New
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: 
* Category: 
* Target version: 
This patch contains a couple of small fixes for the installer script.
 - checks if installer.sh is being run on a serial console
 - if TERM has not been changed (ie: still dialup) it will set TERM to vt100 and ask the user to confirm
 - it will then use curseslog with npipe to run dfui
 - it will cleanup any running instance of dfuiXX left behind when interrupted (Some of the other check could be removed (not sure)
 - will warn the user if they are connected over a slow link (which would slow down the installation considerably (because of debug output).

0001-Add-serial-detection-and-ask-for-TERM-type.patch (2.86 KB)

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