[PATCH] Fixes in libexec/custom/cc

Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado iam at juanfra.info
Wed Nov 16 18:20:14 PST 2011

 - Removed unnecessary code with the actual versions of clang.

 - Removed the conditional code for cpp.

 Authors: Sascha Wildner <saw at online.de>
          Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado <iam at juanfra.info>
 libexec/customcc/cc.sh |   28 +++-------------------------
 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libexec/customcc/cc.sh b/libexec/customcc/cc.sh
index 8755ef6..ae537af 100644
--- a/libexec/customcc/cc.sh
+++ b/libexec/customcc/cc.sh
@@ -3,31 +3,9 @@
 CDIR=$(dirname $0)
 CNAME=$(basename $0)
-# XXX clang needs some special handling
-# it is called only for "cc" and "gcc" and even then it could have been
-# run on c++ files
-if [ "${CCVER}" = "clang" ]; then
-	if [ "${CNAME}" = "cpp" ]; then
-		exec ${CDIR}/../gcc41/cpp "$@"
-	elif [ "${CNAME}" = "c++" -o "${CNAME}" = "g++" ]; then
-		exec ${CDIR}/../gcc41/c++ "$@"
-	elif [ -z $beenhere ]; then
-		export beenhere=1
-		oldargs="$@"
-		export oldargs
-		INCOPT="-nobuiltininc -nostdinc \
-		    -isysroot @@INCPREFIX@@ \
-		    -isystem /usr/include \
-		    -isystem /usr/libdata/gcc41 \
-		    -isystem /usr/include/c++/4.1"
-	elif [ "${CNAME}" = "cc" -o "${CNAME}" = "gcc" ]; then
-		exec ${CDIR}/../gcc41/cc $oldargs
-	fi
-elif [ "${CCVER}" = "clangsvn" ]; then
-	if [ "${CNAME}" = "cpp" ]; then
-		exec ${CDIR}/../gcc41/cpp "$@"
+if [ "${CCVER}" = "clang" -o "${CCVER}" = "clangsvn" ]; then
+	if [ "${CNAME}" = "g++" -o "${CNAME}" = "c++" -o "${CNAME}" = "cc1plus" ]; then
+		exec ${CDIR}/../gcc44/g++ "$@"
 		INCOPT="-nobuiltininc -nostdinc \
 		    -isysroot @@INCPREFIX@@ \
Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado http://juanfra.info

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