make nrelease: get rid of cvsup; we no longer depend on it

Sascha Wildner saw at
Wed Sep 9 00:50:10 PDT 2009

YONETANI Tomokazu schrieb:
make nrelease: get rid of cvsup; we no longer depend on it
So far cvsup hasn't been removed since we supply supfiles for other 
BSD's and (IMO) it's still the easiest and fastest solution to obtain 
all other BSD's repositories without having to install svn or use rather 
slow anoncvs. Just works and doesn't harm anyone.

My personal opinion is that we should continue supporting this and 
continue supplying the cvsup binary on the LiveCD since it can't be 
compiled from source afaik (due to Modula-3 issues). Matt agreed to this 
last time I spoke to him about it in IRC. I know others are not of this 
opinion, though (although without providing any good reasons except 
"cvsup sucks!" or similar :).

However, if the consensus is that we do not want to keep the cvsup 
binary, please also remove the supfiles in /usr/share/examples/cvsup as 
well, since they are no longer usable without the binary.


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