DragonFly patch for top-3.8b1

Alex Hornung ahornung at gmail.com
Wed Nov 18 23:41:22 PST 2009


First off, indentation looks rather inconsistent: see for example lines 233
- 257 of the diff, it seems to use a random number of spaces each time
instead of tabs.
For the rest, the code looks ok and it would be definitely good to get it
into upstream top.

As far as we are concerned, WCPU is not of interest and there has been some
discussion on completely removing it or replacing it by something useful;
see issue1484 [1]. Matt's suggestion of showing a column with the
accumulated children CPU time would be a nice thing to have. While this may
not be acceptable for the upstream top, I'd definitely welcome a step in
that direction.

Keep up the good work!

Alex Hornung

[1]: http://bugs.dragonflybsd.org/issue1484

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