Entry for the vendors section on the download page
Oliver Fromme
check+iugt5q00rsoo91hp at fromme.com
Fri Feb 10 01:37:28 PST 2006
I'm asking for inclusion of a new entry in the vendors section
on the download page on www.dragonflybsd.org.
The bookshop "Lehmanns" in Germany sells FreeBSD DVDs which
also contain DragonFly BSD. Would you mind adding an entry
for them to the webpage? (I'm asking on the behalf of the
director of Lehmanns Hamburg, Christoph Kaeder, who is
responsible for the production of the DVDs.)
Their web site is at http://www.lob.de/ . The site is in
German. However, you can easily see the DVDs: On the
welcome page, click on "weiter" (or wait a few seconds,
there's a redirection). On the following main page, enter
"dragonfly" in the search field in the top navigation bar.
I would suggest the following piece of HTML (I hope this
is OK, English is not my native language):
Lehmanns is a bookshop located in Germany, offering various
BSD and Linux distributions. Their FreeBSD DVDs also
contain the latest version of DragonFly BSD, which can
be started straight from the boot menu of the DVD.
Thank you very much!
Best regards
Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing
Dienstleistungen mit Schwerpunkt FreeBSD: http://www.secnetix.de/bsd
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