Kissing the beastie goodbye

Sascha Wildner saw at
Sun May 29 16:49:20 PDT 2005

Joerg Anslik wrote:

I just kicked the FreeBSD beastie out of our repository and brought
Fred into it. This incorporates the "Technicolor Fred" patch submitted
by Aaron Malone, which he posted on January 5, 2004 (poah!).

Thanks for the patch. I've committed most of it except for the following 

* We can't rename beastie-start to fred-start in 
sys/boot/i386/loader/loader.rc since this file gets installed only if 
there is not already a ${DESTDIR}/boot/loader.rc (i.e. only once). We'll 
have to wait with that until someone implements merging config files 
with CVS (as it was discussed a couple of months ago).

* For renaming beastie.4th to fred.4th a repo copy has to be done. 
Otherwise we'll lose CVS history. I've asked Matt to do it.


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