chmod 660 on /dev/pass*

Bill Hacker wbh at
Fri Mar 11 20:45:35 PST 2005

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Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:

> On Sat, Mar 12, 2005 at 12:52:15AM +0100, Joerg Anslik wrote:
>>Before we start quoting our favorite man pages here, I think a simple
>>"devperms.local" or so with something like
>>nsa*	660
>>pass0	660
>>pass1	600
>>fridge	644
> Well, make it three columns: device owner:gid permission.

And another for pass/priority/sequencing control?
Shouldn't have to cut 'n paste the entire line or block to another spot.

That sort of editing can get dodgy over the wire.

> It might be dangerous to support per-device permissions, since they can
> change, but it should be enough to add a big fat warning to the beginning
> of the example file.

ACK.  Anything can change once wetware logs-in.
Basically a startup-time tool.

> Thinking a bit more about it, we might split the MAKEDEV script into
> a small C program which reads three config files:
> /etc/defaults/makedev.conf
> /etc/defaults/makedev.groups
> /etc/makedev.conf
> The makedev.conf contains mappings of the form:
> device_name permission owner group b/c major minor
> (with default values field from right to left in /etc/makedev.conf)
> It might include some formular support for major minor like
> adAsBZ	640	root	wheel	c	(A + 116)	(Z * 0x1000 + B)
> (with A .. D being digits and X..Z being letters)
> But this might of course be overengineered.
> Joerg

. ... ?? not quite awake here yet.... I think I shall go sit down...


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