Script to convert wiki FAQ to FAQ

Matthew Dillon dillon at
Fri Jan 14 18:20:00 PST 2005

:Any comments?  This script would be invoked via cron.
:And would be used to keep the website and the FAQ
:TODO: add versioning so we can keep track of the changes
:       we are importing and send diffs to submit mailing list.
:Note: Some of this could be done in the wiki, but thats
:       another project. :-)  Anyone know how to program in php?
:				Max Okumoto

    Looks good.  I need FAQ.header and FAQ.footer.  Once I get those
    I will make a few other modifications and commit it all into the
    site source, then set up the cron job.

					Matthew Dillon 
					<dillon at xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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