dfuife_curses and how to use it

Chris Pressey cpressey at catseye.mine.nu
Wed Jan 12 22:13:01 PST 2005

On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 12:19:21 +0800
sam <samwun at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> The entire widget (including Welcome text and the buttons) and its 
> subsequent widgets are white on black regardless whether the cursor
> have  moved to the text button or not.
> > In the case of textboxes, only the edges of the widget are
> > highlighted, and a cursor appears at the text insertion point
> > between them.  This cursor is handled by curses itself, so I don't
> > think you have much control over its appearance.  
> What I meant is when the cursor moved to the textbox (eg. Install 
> DragonFly BSD), I don't see the colour of the textbox and its edge is 
> changed to the colour that different to the background colour (black).
> All text/textboxes are stay the same colour regardless whether the 
> cursor is moved onto it, and the background colour of the textbox is 
> always in black.
>  From reading thru the intruduction manual of ncurss, I found that I
> may be use different type of terminal. I execute dfui* thru putty.

Oh, OK.  Yes, that could be affecting it.  See if you can change your
TERM setting to something like "vt100-color" while using putty.

It sounds like dfuife_curses is detecting that your terminal doesn't
support colours, and is switching to "monochrome mode", which was never
well tested (and as you point out, it doesn't highlight the focused
widget properly.)  I'll work on making it more usable, if I can find
some time in the next few days.  Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

> I also 
> tried to run the dfui* directly in the monitor (a LCD monitor) that 
> attached to the BSD machine, but the edge of the widge becomes
> 999999999  and there is no colour.

That's really kind of bizarre.  What kind of monitor/video card is this?


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