[PATCH] turn RANDOM_IP_ID into a sysctl

Gordon Bergling gbergling at 0xfce3.net
Wed Aug 10 09:09:24 PDT 2005

Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:

On Wed, Aug 10, 2005 at 05:47:08PM +0200, Gordon Bergling wrote:


the following patch turns RANDOM_IP_ID into a sysctl tunable.

Last time I spoke with Jeffrey about it, the conclusion was that fully
random ip ids have too many problems on high-speed networks. I don't
think that making it a tunable really improves much, it would be better
to solve the fundamental problems and allowing it be become just a
default option.

I think your right that fundamental problems should be solved, but I 
personal would like to have a tunable which
is per default inactive and can be changed at runtime without the need 
to recompile the kernel.

I don't have enough understanding about the problems on high-speed 
networks so I can't get a better solution for now.

best regards,


Gordon Bergling <GBergling at 0xfce3.net>     http://www.0xFCE3.net/
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