ANSI-fy of ranlib, ruptime and rdist [patches]

Jeroen Ruigrok/asmodai asmodai at
Fri Jul 23 00:30:34 PDT 2004

-On [20040722 23:12], Douwe Kiela (virtus at xxxxxxxxxx) wrote:

I chose to use FreeBSD's v1.15.

Please do not mix white space and code changes in a diff.  I am still not
sure why you added newlines after the opening accolade of some functions.
Also, to proper use ANSI functions functions without any arguments should be
set to func(void), e.g. usage(void).  Also I used int main(int argc, char
*argv[]) instead of int main(int argc, char **argv), since the former is,
in my opinion, more easily read as being an array of pointers to char.

Thanks for the reminder and patch though. :)

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven <asmodai(at)> / asmodai / kita no mono
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