useless aesthetics -- ascii dragonfly boot splash
Aaron Malone
aaron at
Mon Jan 5 09:38:11 PST 2004
On Friday 02 January 2004 17:50, Aaron Malone wrote:
> The color version has not been changed -- I actually didn't realize
> the option was there until today. I may learn the color escape
> codes and fix that over the weekend. :)
Thanks for commiting, Jeroen. I just did the color version. There's
not much to it, though, and I don't know if it's worth putting in --
does anyone actually *use* loader_color?
Aaron Malone
aaron at xxxxxxxxx
--- beastie.4th.orig Mon Jan 5 17:28:28 2004
+++ beastie.4th Mon Jan 5 17:33:19 2004
@@ -51,25 +51,25 @@
\ The BSD Daemon. He is 19 rows high and 34 columns wide
: technicolor-beastie ( x y -- )
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: boring-beastie ( x y -- )
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