if_bge.c typo fix

Christian Brueffer chris at unixpages.org
Sat Jan 24 21:30:50 PST 2004

This patch fixes a typo in a comment in the bge driver (from FreeBSD).

- Christian

Christian Brueffer	chris at xxxxxxxxxxxxx	brueffer at xxxxxxxxxxx
GPG Key:	 http://people.freebsd.org/~brueffer/brueffer.key.asc
GPG Fingerprint: A5C8 2099 19FF AACA F41B  B29B 6C76 178C A0ED 982D
Index: if_bge.c
RCS file: /usr/home/ncvs/dragonfly/src/sys/dev/netif/bge/if_bge.c,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -r1.10 if_bge.c
--- if_bge.c	6 Jan 2004 01:40:46 -0000	1.10
+++ if_bge.c	25 Jan 2004 05:25:22 -0000
@@ -2166,7 +2166,7 @@
 	 * Process link state changes.
 	 * Grrr. The link status word in the status block does
 	 * not work correctly on the BCM5700 rev AX and BX chips,
-	 * according to all avaibable information. Hence, we have
+	 * according to all available information. Hence, we have
 	 * to enable MII interrupts in order to properly obtain
 	 * async link changes. Unfortunately, this also means that
 	 * we have to read the MAC status register to detect link
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