Disable installation of send-pr

Eirik Nygaard eirikn at kerneled.com
Tue Nov 4 06:59:56 PST 2003

On Tue, Nov 04, 2003 at 09:46:28AM -0500, David Rhodus wrote:
> On Nov 4, 2003, at 9:35 AM, Eirik Nygaard wrote:
> >I wonder if we should disable the installation of send-pr, or if we 
> >should
> >change the gnats mail address to bugs at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >
> Perhaps... Though send-pr is some what arcane at this time and should
> probably be replaced or just removed if no one has time to make 
> anything new.
> >I feel that one of the actions should be made. Would probably just 
> >confuse
> >both the FreeBSD guys and the ones sending the PR's when they end up in
> >the wrong place.
> I really don't think the freebsd gnat's database could get any more 
> confusing.

I will start by removing it from the build, and we can go from there.

Eirik Nygaard
eirikn at xxxxxxxxxxxx
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