Looking for mentoring.

Samuel J. Greear sjg at evilcode.net
Mon Oct 7 07:16:00 PDT 2013

Your best bet(s) are just jumping in and tackling projects on the projects
pages on the website or chasing bugs in the tracker and/or to visit the
#dragonflybsd irc channel on EFNet, many of the primary developers are
there -- we're happy to answer questions and provide direction.


On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 7:59 AM, Sdävtaker <sdavtaker at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I had been using DragonFlyBSD since release 1.8, some times more,
> sometimes less...
> I joined the list in 2007 and I did some testing for cards at some point.
> If you check, you can even see me listed as contributor in the website :).
> Since 2009, I started a blog where I put Spanish version of some news
> about DragonFlyBSD, also I had been promoting it in some conferences,
> showing hammer and some other nice features around.
> Today, I checked the stats of my blog (which I already suspected was not
> really making any difference) and noticed it has like 5 hits per entry,
> considering I get to filter spam, there is a big chance nobody is reading
> it, or maybe 2 people in the whole world (one being my wife)...
> So, I was thinking in kill it and try to contribute some time in something
> more useful for the project.
> As you may notice at this point, English is not my primary language... So
> documentation stuff in English may not be the best thing to do for me, but
> I can help in some other areas.
> I think I have a few useful skills for the community, just need some
> guidance.
> Just to list a few, I code some c++, php, objective-c, smalltalk, assembly
> x86. I had worked in industry doing development for 10 years, I was
> sysadmin for some time also. I got a degree in CS and I'm in second year
> for a phd in discrete events simulation theory.
> So, I want to figure out what would be the best way to help the project
> and if someone is able to give me some pointers until I get in track.
> Also, if someone is living in southeast France and want to talk about it
> with some beers, I'm up for that too :)
> Eager to help,
> Damian Vicino
> --
> http://dfbsd.trackbsd.org.ar
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