DragonFly versioning plan

John Marino dragonflybsd at marino.st
Thu Sep 15 23:13:53 PDT 2011

On 9/16/2011 3:49 AM, Justin Sherrill wrote:
Here's a summation of the thread, just cause it got long, cause some
of my original ideas have changed based on feedback, and the results
affect everyone:

Any other feedback?  Francois, you had the longer list of objections;
does this feel more like it's on the right track?
While it's nice that this proposal got summarized, the main question I 
have is:
What's broken about the current system?

I just have the expression "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." going 
through my head.
I think having a 6-month interval between releases is probably optimal.  
OpenIndiana just had a release exactly one year after the previous one, 
and thus OI felt quite stale over the last months.  So I think one year 
between releases is too long.

I have the feeling this is much more about limitations of the pkgsrc 
design then about the existing release philosophy.  If so, I'd suggest 
altering the pkgsrc system in the vein that you'd already suggested.  It 
would be nice for me to have a clear summary of what problem this 
proposal is trying to address.  Maybe we come up with an alternative 
solution that doesn't require a change in the release schedule.


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