booting with usb keyboard hangs system

Babu Chaliyath babu.chaliyath at
Thu May 12 22:00:03 PDT 2011

>> Doesn't look very usb'ish, does it? I guess it's your BIOS emulating an
>> AT keyboard, try checking your CMOS configuration for related settings.
> Good catch. The UHCI driver (which should be used when EHCI is disabled
> on an Intel board) only seems to set the LEGSUP (== Legacy Support)
> register on resume.
> This register is responsible for handling 8042 emulation (together with
> some SMM code) from USB keyboard events.
> Patrick

So you are suggesting the kernel is loading an incorrect driver/
handling  usb keyboard event wrongly? Or I did not understand what you
See I dont see something wrong this keyboard or MOBO as I am able to
use FreeBSD or any linux distribution on this which works very smooth.
Hmmm.. still I would love to get this installed on the system and try
to see how DFBSD performs as Gateway/Proxy for my network and what are
the advanges I am going to get from DFBSD


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