Function assist with iostat

Pratyush Kshirsagar pratyush.kshirsagar at
Fri Feb 25 15:39:07 PST 2011

Here is diff. I cam across the error: In function (for each function in iostat.c)multiple declaration (of the the functions)I  think everything is good enough.Still if someone can figure it out and tell me.
- Pratyush.On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 11:21 AM, Pratyush Kshirsagar <pratyush.kshirsagar at> wrote:
Hello,I am porting the iostat from FreeBSD.I have problem with the function devstat_compute_statistics()
Here is how its used in FreeBSD ans I tried the compute_stats() in dragonfly but still need this equivalent to be correct
So, please give me the correct usage of compute_stats similar to devstat_compute_statistics in the FreeBSD, here it is:        if (devstat_compute_statistics(&cur.dinfo->devices[di],
             &last.dinfo->devices[di], busy_seconds,
             DSM_KB_PER_TRANSFER, &kb_per_transfer,
             DSM_TRANSFERS_PER_SECOND, &transfers_per_second,
             DSM_MB_PER_SECOND, &mb_per_second, DSM_NONE) != 0)
                 errx(1, "%s", devstat_errbuf);
Also, is it OK if we call getnumdevs() without any arguments (its similar to freebsd devstat_getdevs()).
The FreeBSD uses:switch (devstat_getdevs(NULL, &cur)) {
         case -1:
                errx(1, "%s", devstat_errbuf);
         case 1:
                 cmdiostat("refresh", NULL);
 }I am still trying to remove some warnings and error. Will mail you if need more help.pratyush.kshirsagar (@

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