bugtracker switch

Justin C. Sherrill justin at shiningsilence.com
Sun Mar 28 09:55:46 PDT 2010

On Sun, March 28, 2010 12:15 pm, Alex Hornung wrote:

> But this leads me to another question: How would we want to handle users?
> All Developers, by default? That's what we do now; everyone can modify bug
> properties, close them, etc. Maybe it would make more sense to actually
> only
> assign the role of Developer to actual DragonFly developers. What do
> people think?

Without taking a closer look at the roles available, I'd say let's not
restrict it.  If non-developers can update and close their own bugs,
great!  Restrictions reduce the available pool of people who can work on
the problem, which is something we're trying to avoid.

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