DragonFly boot2 - moved out of commits thread

Bill Hacker wbh at conducive.org
Mon Mar 9 03:05:25 PDT 2009

lybsd.org> <49b16b38$0$880$415eb37d at crater_reader.dragonflybsd.org> <49b42393$0$881$415eb37d at crater_reader.dragonflybsd.org>
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X-Trace: 1236593129 crater_reader.dragonflybsd.org 879
Xref: crater_reader.dragonflybsd.org dragonfly.kernel:13549

Oliver Fromme wrote:
> Oliver Fromme wrote:
>  > Bill hacker wrote:
>  > > Meanwhile - perhaps you could pick up the DragonFlyBSD logo off the site 
>  > > and see about getting it slimmed-down to a 4-bit .pcx that works?
>  > 
>  > I'll have a look at it if time permits.  No promise though.
> OK, here's the background image in PCX format (for the
> boot loader) and PNG format (so you can view it in your
> web browser):
>   http://www.secnetix.de/olli/FreeBSD/vloader/background/dragonfly.pcx
>   http://www.secnetix.de/olli/FreeBSD/vloader/background/dragonfly.png
> I've added instructions for DragonFly BSD to my wiki page.
> Please refer to the section titled "Special notes for
> DragonFly BSD" at the end of the page:
>   http://wiki.freebsd.org/OliverFromme/BootLoaderTest
> If everything goes right, it should look similar to this
> screen shot:
>   http://www.secnetix.de/olli/FreeBSD/vloader/screenshot6.png
> I have tested it with a kernel from a DF 2.2 release ISO
> in qemu only, which works fine (currently I don't have any
> spare hardware dedicated to DragonFly, so I couldn't easily
> test it on real silicon).
> Best regards
>   Oliver

That appears to be good work, and should perform as expected.

Thank you for that.

I've found my notes on the boot0 portion, but will have to recode the 
(n)asm, 'later', as I've lost the actual source mods.


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