nvidia drivers

Petr Janda elekktretterr at exemail.com.au
Sat Nov 22 08:35:32 PST 2008

> - install mesa
> - install nvidia drivers+libs
> - have /usr/pkg/lib/libGL.so point to /usr/pkg/lib/libGL.so.1.0.5, which
> should be from mesa.  It is important that this lib has the SONAME set to
> libGL.so.1 (you can check with objdump -x)
> now compiling should link to the mesa lib, but then libGL.so.1 will be
> used by the runtime linker.
> But looking at your compiler output, libGLU depends on libGL.so.1.0.5,
> which is bad.  You will need
> <http://chlamydia.fs.ei.tum.de/~corecode/unsorted/libtool-dragonfly.diff>
> this patch as well, I believe (and recompile Mesa+libs depending on Mesa).

Let me get it straight because I already have all the packages(mesa etc) 

1) Patch libtool, reinstall mesa
2) Reinstall nvidia drivers + libs
3) Link libGL.so(installed by Mesa) to libGL.so.1.0.5 (ignore the instructions 
in the README saying to link libGL.so.wrapped to libGL.so.1.0.5)
4) Make sure libGL.so.1 thats installed by your wrapper is referenced by the 
SONAME in libGL.so

Am I understanding correct?


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