Dangerous default config

Sdävtaker sdavtaker at gmail.com
Wed Nov 26 09:18:22 PST 2008

I had a bad moment a few days ago trying to "rebuild" my DFBSD2 :-(
My tactic was :
Download 2.0 version code, make world, make kernel, install it.... All
with the automagic make in /usr
The plan was good, but the results were OMFG
When i ran make it downloaded and build DFBSD 1.12 version (by
default), so I installed 1.12 :-/
After that I had no more access to my full-hammered machine :-(
It took me a couple of minutes to fix it from the liveCD, cpdup some
files move some data to another place, nothing too tough, after be
back on 2.0 I checked all config files (like i was supposed to do in
the first time, but i didnt)
It was all my fault, but it would be nice to point the default cvsup
to "ACTUAL_VERSION-src" maybe this file can be autocreated on nrelease
for future versions :-/
Thanks for the great work, amazing OS :-)

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