Boot Dragonfly BSD from USB CDROM

Michael Neumann mneumann at
Tue May 27 01:31:03 PDT 2008

Damian Lubosch wrote:

I have troubles installing Dragonfly BSD from a "simulated" USB-CDROM 
drive. I need to install the system on a remote machine which has a 
remote management extension card from Peppercon named Eric. This card is 
able to simulate an USB CDROM over network (samba) to the underlying OS, 
and I hadn't any problems in installing NetBSD or FreeBSD before.

When I try the new Dragonfly Release 1.12.2 I get this error:

no disk named 'acd0a' (and other cd0 derivates)
setrootbyname failed
iso_mountroot: can't find rootvp
Root mount fialed: 6
Manual root filesystem specificatation:
mountroot> _
This looks like the bug I reported here:

Please try out the latest devel snapshot [1] and see whether it fixes
your problem.


[1]: For example from here (or use a mirror :)

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