7-Zip vs Bzip2

Ben Cadieux ben.cadieux at gmail.com
Mon May 5 16:59:56 PDT 2008

Shoot, sorry.  I didn't mean for this to go to kernel.

On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 4:52 PM, Ben Cadieux <ben.cadieux at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I just wanted to know if there's any interest for the devs to add
>  something like p7zip to the base install; even if it's a simple fork
>  that only supports 7z.  While 7zip is about as obnoxiously slow as
>  bzip2, it usually gets much better compression.
>  That's not why I'm suggesting it though - what really gets me is that
>  bzip2 has no "list" option.  Does that 10 gb bzip2 backup archive
>  contain 100gb of data, or 200gb?  Other than dumping the entire
>  archive to /dev/null through wc, there's really no way to do it.  Gzip
>  will list files, but its compression ratio is awful.
>  I imagine that other OSes are going to be watching Dragonfly very
>  carefully in the next while as new the features (especially HAMMER)
>  mature.  Maybe adding 7z will get yet another bandwagon going and
>  there will be support across the board :)
>  Best Regards,
>  Ben Cadieux

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