Misc. ACPI / suspend

Thomas E. Spanjaard tgen at netphreax.net
Fri Mar 7 05:16:51 PST 2008

Chris Turner wrote:
1) does anyone have ACPI (instead of APM)
   sleep / suspend / wakeup working on Dfly ?
2) If so, what machines are being used ?
3) Same question for other BSDs - my understanding is NetBSD is most
   'advanced' w/r/t power managment - but I'm not 100% on this ...
would looove to have a sleeping / resuming / scaling laptop running some 
BSD flavor.. am willing to work towards that end, esp. w/r/t Dfly -
trying to chart a course to figguring this out.
I have ACPI S3 suspend working like a charm on my IBM ThinkPad R40 
(Pentium M "Banias" 1.3GHz, speedstepping works just fine), running 
NetBSD 3.99.21.
        Thomas E. Spanjaard
        tgen at netphreax.net
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