HAMMER update - 22 June 2008. heads up on hammer prune vs softprune.

Justin C. Sherrill justin at shiningsilence.com
Sun Jun 22 17:37:25 PDT 2008

On Sun, June 22, 2008 8:05 pm, Matthew Dillon wrote:
>     Heads up - 'hammer prune' is being removed, 'hammer softprune' is going
>     to become the official way to prune the filesystem.  I will add a
>     'hammer pruneall' command for emergencies which will do the same thing
>     that 'hammer prune everything' does now.

Syntactically, can we call it 'hammer prune' and 'hammer pruneall'? 
Calling it 'softprune' doesn't make sense from a user standpoint since
there's no hardprune or normal prune option.

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