newfs_hammer hammer_fsbuf_head_t build failure.

Matthew Dillon dillon at
Mon Jun 2 11:53:35 PDT 2008

:with the most recent head, buildworld fails on newfs_hammer. At first it was
:complaining about hammer_alist_t, but I found that and included "hammer_alist.h"
:It's now complaining about hammer_fsbuf_head_t, which I can't find anywhere.
:I'm updating via rsync from if that helps someone find a stale
:entry somewhere.

    If this continues to cause trouble for you save a copy of the cvs
    tree you have, sync from the main repository, diff, and report on
    what files are not up to date.

    Though I will note that I have been committing fast and furious
    w/ regards to HAMMER, and will continue to do so.  It could be that
    the mirror just got out of sync temporarily.

					Matthew Dillon 
					<dillon at>

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