Working with files on HAMMER fs

Matthias Schmidt matthias at
Thu Apr 10 00:29:04 PDT 2008

* Matthew Dillon wrote:
>      Hmm.  There are no errors reported in the dmesg, just debugging output
>      (the wrapped messages are just debugging output).
>      Can you reproduce it trivially?  e.g. on a newfs_hammer'd filesystem
>      does the touch/ls -la issue still now show the filename?

The issue is gone if I use a fresh fs:

pc12909!root:/mnt # touch foo
pc12909!root:/mnt # ls -al
total 2
drwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel     0B Apr 10 09:08 ./
drwxr-xr-x  18 root  wheel   512B Apr  9 17:39 ../
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel     0B Apr 10 09:10 foo

>      If you re-extract the tar into an empty filesystem does the problem
>      then show up again?  If so I'd like to get a hold of that tarball
>      to reproduce the problem.

If I copy the tarball to the newly created fs above, the ls problem is

pc12909!root:/mnt # cp /root/ports.tar.gz .
pc12909!root:/mnt # ls -al
total 0

The tarball is a standard FreeBSD ports.tar.gz.  Extracting fails:

pc12909!root:/mnt # tar xfz ports.tar.gz
ports/audio/juk/pkg-plist: Error reading 'ports.tar.gz'gzip
decompression failed
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.

A final "ls" broke the machine.  No clue if its related to hammer,
because I have no physical access to the machine ATM.  Will look
at the crash later and post logs/dump if available.



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