Network transition complete + PF question

Joerg Sonnenberger joerg at
Mon Apr 7 11:26:31 PDT 2008

On Wed, Apr 02, 2008 at 11:08:40PM -0700, Matthew Dillon wrote:
>     I have a question for the PF/ALTQ masters out there.  I am trying to
>     configure PF in a manner similar to what Cisco's fair-queue algorithm
>     does.  Cisco's algorithm basically hashes TCP and UDP traffic based
>     on the port/IP pairs, creating a bunch of lists of backlogged packets
>     and then schedules the packets at the head of each list.

I don't think any of the OS solutions will do that. What you can do for
this kind of application is put all downloads into one class with borrow
property and limit the source connections to a small value. Use a second
rule to drop all the other connections into.


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