Network transition complete + PF question

Matthew Dillon dillon at
Thu Apr 3 10:55:43 PDT 2008

:Matthew Dillon wrote:
:>     I am trying to find something equivalent with PF and not having much
:>     luck.  Neither CBQ nor HFSC seem to work well.   I can separate certain
:>     types of traffic but the real problem is when there are multiple
:>     TCP connections that are essentially classified the same, and one is
:>     hogging the outgoing bandwidth.
:I'm not an export about ALTQ, but how about creating N similar queues,
:and assigning a new TCP connection to one of these queues at random
:using the "probability X%" keyword?

    That would help. I don't see a 'probability' keyword anywhere though.

					Matthew Dillon 
					<dillon at>

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