FairQ ALTQ for PF - Patch #2

Simon 'corecode' Schubert corecode at fs.ei.tum.de
Mon Apr 7 11:40:31 PDT 2008

Matthew Dillon wrote:
>     Some of this stuff is starting to look a little overboard.  I can see
>     having keep state on as a default if it didn't have such an adverse
>     effect on existing TCP streams on reboot, but it does and because it
>     does I don't think I want it turned on as a default in DragonFly.  

I concur.  Keep state should be explicit.  Furthermore, I don't expect
keep state not to work across reboots.  That's why I then write keep
state flags S/SA.  Something clearly need to be untangled here.  Keep
state should keep state as good as possible, but not reject connections.


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