finally have the amd64/pc64 kernel linked
Oliver Fromme
check+joarlc00rsobz4bq at
Thu Sep 13 01:26:51 PDT 2007
Noah yan wrote:
> Finally have the kernel for amd64/pc64 linked and pushed on the git
> branch ( will check in
> cvs soon.
> two questions. the loader: look like it is ported on amd64 and able to
> load an ELF64 kernel. Hope that is true. I am setting up a simics
> simulator for a hammer. but it panic when booting from the dfly-1.10.1
> iso. so is there issues running x86-32 dfly on an x86-64 machine? It
> should not and this may be just the problem of simics.
Have you thought about trying qemu? I have successfully
used qemu in the past to emulate amd64 machines on 32bit
It's very simple to use. You don't eve have to install
the kqemu accelerator module; the standard emulation is
way fast enough to test booting of CD images.
Best regards
Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing
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