[PATCH] Dynamic kernel environment support (kgetenv() and friends), ACPI quirks

Thomas E. Spanjaard tgen at netphreax.net
Sat Jan 13 11:42:02 PST 2007

Matthew Dillon wrote:
    * sysctl_kenv() (which you have #ifdef notyet'd so the code is not
      compiled in yet)... you are missing a spin_unlock.  heh.  yah yah,
      and probably ten other things too.
Yeah, I didn't really put any effort in making that one actually work 
yet. I could just leave that out entirely, to implement at a later time. 
Stale dead code is worse than nonexisting code :).

    * kenv_uninit() is holding a spin lock across a kfree(), which is
      not legal.  Of course, insofar as I can tell, kenv_uninit() will
      never run since it is a SYSUNINIT in a mandatry kernel module,
      so you could probably remove the whole routine and remove the
      SYSUNINIT :-).
Yeah, I should just set kenv_isdynamic=0 right after locking, then 
unlocking again, which would be sufficient. The theory for the SYSUNINIT 
is that, in theory, one could make the dynamic stuff a kmod and keep 
only the static stuff in the kernel; the kfooenv functions would need 
significant changes though and the usefulness is approximately zero :). 
I'll just remove that stuff.

        Thomas E. Spanjaard
        tgen at netphreax.net
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