wiki down

Thomas E. Spanjaard tgen at
Mon May 15 09:38:42 PDT 2006

Justin C. Sherrill wrote:
On Mon, May 15, 2006 8:29 am, David Rhodus wrote:
Yah, its a bummer its down...  I've been receiving about 10 emails a
day from random people about it for over a week.  There's not much I
can do but wait until the server comes back online.
The hosting company appears to have abruptly taken all its servers down
for weeks, without a guess of when they will be back.  This is usually a
sign of larger issues, like getting out of the (or going out of) business.
This makes me worried, because right now, the wiki info is effectively
deleted, permanently.  Do you have any ETA from the hosting company of
when service will return?
Err, don't you have a contract? And the data can't just be lost, because 
they do not have the author rights over it (at least that's how it works 
around here). This sounds like a shady web hosting company to me...

Is there really no way to contact them, preferably in a direct manner 
like a phone call?

        Thomas E. Spanjaard
        tgen at xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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