jfstools 1.1.9: Add support for Dragonfly BSD.

Trevor Kendall trevorjk at gmail.com
Tue May 2 13:24:26 PDT 2006

On 5/2/06, Tomaž Borštnar <tomaz.borstnar at xxxxxxxx> wrote:
So where do we test this thing? :)

New in 1.1.9 - 2005-10-04
* Add support for Dragonfly BSD.  I/O to block devices must be done through
   aligned buffers.  Change to use stream I/O to avoid problems.

That would probably be Hiten's doing. As for where you can test it, I
don't think you can yet, unless Hiten has some patches hidden
somewhere. I know he was working on JFS stuff a while back.

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