
Emiel Kollof coolvibe at hackerheaven.org
Wed Jan 4 03:32:37 PST 2006

On Monday 02 January 2006 22:12, Csaba Henk wrote:


> >     There is one issue with regards to overlayed namecache entries.
> >     The issue occurs when you try to do a rename() or other namespace
> >     operation and you have multiple namecache records refering to the
> >     same physical namespace.  Since rename() locks the namespace by
> > locking the related namecache records, it becomes possible for a
> > namespace operation in the nullfs layer to race a namespace operation in
> > the underlying filesystem layer.  The system probably wouldn't be too
> > happy when this happens.
> Hm, I played a little bit with this. Here is a little test:

[test snip]

> As of now, the effect not fatal... rather funny: after a while the dir(s)
> end up empty.

Could that be because the python script is hitting MAXPATHLEN?

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