Bug Tracking System [Was: Re: final thoughts - bug tracking system]

Ben Cadieux ben.cadieux at gmail.com
Mon Sep 19 19:25:48 PDT 2005

> On Mon, Sep 19, 2005 at 10:57:09AM -0700, Matthew Dillon wrote:
> >     I'll have the web interface basically finished by wednesday, after
> >     which I'll put it up and people can start playing around with
> >     it and giving me feedback while I start working on the email interface.  
> Setting up a web driven applet, which is what you're doing, is a Java "hello
> world" that takes no more than an 1/2 hour to get going. The DB backend for
> Java is completely portable to any DB that you might choose as a default,
> as well as presenting a common interface for accessing those DBs. The APIs
> are mature and the JVM is rock solid reliable provided that you don't choose
> a crappy platform to run it.
> This is ignore the XML access inherant in Java which is also critical for DB.
> Java is a very good system and it's kind of baffling why you have negative
> feeling against it.
> If you've choosen C as your development language, you might end up screwing
> a bunch of folks up with an unmaintainable application. You have enough work
> on your hands without being clouded by an NIH (not invented here) kind of
> attitude.
> That's my comments on the matter.
> bill

I signed up to the kernel list just for this one; I thought it was a
joke until it occurred to me that you believe the propaganda you
typed.  Quite frankly, I'm not even entirely sure where to start.

I think perhaps I'll start with the "XML" comment, since I would argue
that it's the most humorous.  XML is not critical for databases,
that's a "baffling" comment to make.  Besides all the lovely
concurrent access problems, repeatedly parsing a large XML file is not
a particularly good idea unless your goal is to encourage denial of

"If you've choosen C as your development language, you might end up
screwing a bunch of folks up..." - I highly doubt that Mr. Dillon has
chosen C as his "web applet" development language.  Regardless, in
case you hadn't noticed, most code is not written in java, nor can any
claims be made that all of javas APIs are "rock solid" considering
they're all relatively untested in comparison.

As far as an "unmaintainable" application goes - I'd say any language
is better than one written for a computer that doesn't (and likely
will never) exist.

Best Regards,

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