bug tracking system

Simon 'corecode' Schubert corecode at fs.ei.tum.de
Mon Sep 12 20:31:51 PDT 2005

On 05.09.2005, at 01:01, Peter Avalos wrote:
Another to consider is jira.  It has a free license for open-source
projects.  I believe it answers 'yes' to each of those features on the
wiki page.  It's used by the apache project, as well as a buttload of
commercial entities.
First I was negative wrt a non-open source tool.

But now, having read the *excellent* documentation of jira (and the 
more or less good docs of the other systems), I have to say:

My vote *clearly* goes, without any doubt, to jira.

It's flexible, it's fast (just tried it on a linux box, our linuxulator 
needs at least gettid(2) for java) and its UI is clean.  And *tons* of 
projects, both open source and commercial, use it.

And they have an *oustanding* support.  I just received a personal 
email from a guy there telling me that he will guide me through the 
30day trial period.

We definitely should *seriously* consider jira.

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