HEADS UP: ABI changes in HEAD

Jeroen Ruigrok/asmodai asmodai at in-nomine.org
Wed Jul 27 01:50:45 PDT 2005

-On [20050725 14:01], David Rhodus (sdrhodus at xxxxxxxxx) wrote:
>Hopefully this will be the last time as I'd like to be able to give
>out a package set that works for more than a month or so.... :-)

The last time will be just before 1.4 is released.  Within this frame
anything is game for the ABI I reckon, supporting a dev branch bring
instability with it for all I know and care.

At least Joerg announces his stuff.  And it does not affect 1.2 anyway.

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven <asmodai(at)wxs.nl> / asmodai / kita no mono
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