OT: OS choice for dedicated server

Justin C. Sherrill justin at shiningsilence.com
Wed Jan 5 20:45:42 PST 2005

> Cent-OS (Redhat compatible Linux I think)
> Fedora Core Release 1
> Fedora Core Release 2
> FreeBSD 4.10
> FreeBSD 5.2.1
> FreeBSD 5.3

Fedora 1 and FreeBSD 5.2.1 are probably superseded by the other choices. 
FreeBSD 4 will certainly give you an easy "in-box" upgrade to DragonFly if
you desire to do so.  I know nothing about CentOS, other than to say if
it's a repackaging of RHEL like its website says, I'd pick Fedora over it.

Why are you limited in OS choice?  Do you not own the machine?  And is it
multiprocessor?  DragonFly is a valid choice right now - I'm planning to
move shiningsilence.com to DragonFly over the next week, for instance, as
I pick up some AMD64 hardware.

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